"Since working with Kelly, my development trajectory has rocketed. Kelly’s ability to listen and make sense of my thoughts in order to identify the barriers which were holding me back was exceptional. She made me feel very comfortable to really open up very quickly and continuously brought me back around to my objectives when I would go off course. I will forever champion the benefits of coaching based on the awesome experience I’ve had in building a relationship with Kelly and am truly thankful for the opportunity."

"I found my coaching experience with Kelly personally to be very beneficial. Kelly was great at questioning and challenging me to think about what I wanted to change and how I could improve. She was also very good at translating some of my challenges into analogies which made them more meaningful for myself. I had never met Kelly until this point, she was so approachable, friendly and I felt very comfortable having opening honest conversations with her."

"From the outset Kelly created a really warm, welcoming atmosphere which immediately put me at ease. This was paramount for me, as much of my concern focussed around overcoming self-doubt and ruminating tendencies! Kelly’s approach really enabled me to relax into the process and ultimately get real value from it. Kelly is fantastic at asking really relevant and thought provoking questions which prompted me to think in completely different ways. The impact this had on me throughout my transition period was very apparent, as I was able to tackle each next step with confidence – but more importantly I have found that the techniques and prompts we discussed have really stayed with me in the months since our coaching came to an end, and I often find myself referring back to notes I took during our sessions. The experience has had a very positive and uplifting impact in the long term, and I would highly recommend Kelly as an insightful, empathetic and effective coach."

"I had a fantastic experience going through a round of coaching with Kelly. She is an exceptional listener and communicator, with a talent for gently guiding discussions towards outcomes where genuine personal insights are achieved. I went into coaching with quite a narrow focus, but with Kelly’s help gradually expanded the scope of the discussions to a holistic view of my attitudes and mindsets that impact ways of working, which I was then able to reflect on and change where needed. The coaching we did has had a really beneficial impact on me, so I can’t recommend Kelly highly enough."

"I really appreciated the ‘human side’ to our coaching sessions and Kelly’s empathy to the various scenarios I would describe, there was good structure for each session, Kelly gently asked questions which challenged my thought process and gave me lots to think about before the next session. I have a clearer picture of my career path and confidence in my abilities and strengths having completed the coaching and would recommend coaching with Kelly for anyone thinking about it. Thanks Kelly!"

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